Levy's Time at Spurs is Up

Article by e-Spurs Correspondent Dino Gallina

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Hello to all fellow lovers of Spurs. It is hard at present to find too many positives from the teams performances over the past 5-6 weeks. Commencing with our loss at Norwich, which effectively ended whatever slim hopes we had of European Cup Football next season. It’s always easy being an armchair critic. We are not always privy to whats actually happening behind closed doors at Tottenham. We read comments from managers, players and experts as to why we are having a tough time of it.

There’s a great saying that Italians have, “Dead fish stink from the head down”. To most of you it means little or nothing. What it states is that once dead, it all stinks, and unfortunately the club is in that category. I invite all comments from everyone who is going to read this article, and that goes from “Levy Lovers” to grandpa’s and suffers of dementia. The head of the fish is Levy, a man who has tried his hardest to improve Tottenham’s image. Built a new training facility, improved the general standing of Tottenham. That’s where it ends. I’m surprised that there isn’t a mass petition to remove him as CEO and up-grade him to janitor. The amount of trash he has presented in the past couple of years, he’d be well qualified. From the day he releaved Reddknapp of his duties, things have decidedly turned sour. Petulance in any form is not a great attribute. He has an abundance of it. His small man syndrome has taken this club backwards 10 years. We have drifted from “possibles” to “also-rans” and here’s why.

The top four are now done and dusted. They will attract the players that we would dream would wear a Spurs shirt. No forsaking that next year Manchester United will not stand idle and let the current top four get so far away from them. They have the financial clout to buy and buy big. Whether Moyes remains or not it doesn’t matter, they will improve 200% on this year’s performance. Hence we have five teams to leap-fog next year. We will finish 5-7th this year, depending whether the players are up to it, and you’d have to question that at present. We have a manager who I had mixed emotions for, so I sat on the fence and watched him gradually shoot both hands, feet and after last night’s efforts against Benfica, he finally blew his head off!

So a new CEO is a must, Levy has created a club equivalent to a poison chalice. If rumours are true that Van Gaal is the next in the hot seat, announce it immediately as the current boy has no idea. The other reason to announce Van Gaal’s appointment is to give the likes of Lloris, Vertonghen, Capoue, Paulinho and a few others something to look forward to next year. Levy’s handling of the transfer market this year was shambolic. I’m always amazed as to why he gets involved in the first place, maybe he should manage the team and not bother bringing in a new manager. I would have always thought a manager of a team knows what type of system he wants to play and who is best suited. But like the little rich spoilt brat that Levy is, he was handed 86 million Euro/pounds and blew it. By now you “Levy Lovers” will be hating me, please do so as I’m not finished. We bought seven players, all of whom have ability, but were decidedly ill prepared to play the EPL compared to where they came from.

We have a host of players I classify as “square pegs in round holes”. This is when managers don’t basically know what to do with them! Holty, Chadli, Paulinho, Lamela (did he really want to come here anyway!) and Sigurdsson all fit this category. Then we have players that at best are Championship standard and one or two of them have a League One mentality, namely Rose, Naughton, Dawson and to a degree Townsend and Lennon. Now the last two you “Levy Lovers” would be livid at me for placing them basically in a category “if they left tomorrow it’s no great loss”. Dawson has had his day and of late he’s been found out, maybe Villas-Boas saw it before we all did. Rose, I can’t even place the expletive I’d like to place on this blog as it may offend the weak hearted, Naugthon the same. For Lennon and Townsend they promise so much and deliver crumbs. For every one good match we are then blessed with 15 mediocre to average ones. Simply not good enough. So I would show those two the door as well. Kaboul, our new “Ledley King”. Just when you think lightning never strikes twice, wrong. Love this guy, but again is the club going to go through another painstaking experience of nursing someone who will play 1 in 3 or 4 games, no is the answer. We have a keeper who collects pay cheques for no reason, yet we still keep him on our books. Next year Friedel will retire, so there’s another one gone. Sandro is not the same beast as before his injuries and as with Kaboul, is he worth the effort to keep next year.

The scary thing is that two of our world class players are pretty much on the way out, and not because they are not good enough. Lloris, Vertonghen seem to be disinterested with life at Spurs. Their performances have been mediocre as if they have already made up their minds that this is their final year.

We are following a path that Aston Villa has trodden through in the last few years. Not long ago they were the “Next” big thing, and now they fight for a point here and there. It’s immensely disappointing to see the lack of style, class and system that currently exist in the team. I sincerely don’t understand what Sherwood is trying to do. He has the audacity to berate his players, refs, other teams managers, people in wheelchairs and whoever wants to listen. Simply he doesn’t have the mettle for this business. For all the huffing and puffing, chest beating and “do it for the club” scenario, the coin stops with him and his selections. We have won games against teams this year that had the opposition been one of the top four we would have been smashed by half time. To prove my point, we have conceded to the top four over 20 goals and we still have to face the Arse..

So, solution and again I can feel the love form the “Levy Lovers”, rid the man himself, replace him with Mickey Mouse who’d do a better job at present, Sherwood is done and dusted, even though he thinks not, lose the players who have achieved little this year, and above all appoint someone like Van Gaal who will not take lip from a Levy or the prima donnas that exist at this club.

Lastly to the ENIC Group I say, go away, you are poison.

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  1. Anonymous10:24 am

    Well said except Dawson, people don't seem to realise he's doing 3 jobs as we constantly have our (ahem) LB & RB over the half way line

  2. Anonymous10:27 am

    Sad but true.

  3. Anonymous10:47 am


  4. The guy has taken us from mid table nobodies to challenging for the top 4 on no money. Supporters who want him out lack understanding of football finance and that our income is £100 million+ a season less than our rivals.

    The criteria supporters use may not be the criteria the board are using. Sherwood was an interim appointment, yes a wrong one but only interim never the less. AVB was destroying the club had alienated all staff including the coaching staff and refused to obey the chairman and bring Adebayor in from the cold, he made his position untenable.

    From that point we had to then wait until the summer to appoint a new boss to turn the players into a team playing within a system. Yes what's happening hurts but it was only yo be expected, we were thrashed under AVB and virtually all fans wanted AVB so complain in hindsight is simply double standards.

    I at THBN certainly support and understand the work he is doing. Harry does not build long lasting teams and Daniel Levy wants a production line of talent to perpetuate succes the way Arsenal have done. He is looking for the man who can do that, he and we expected that to be AVB, it wasn't so we wait for Louis Van Gaal or Cesare Prandelli.

    In the meantime we hurt. The grass is not always greener, change does not guarantee anything different for Levy.

  5. Anonymous11:51 am

    I am a fanatic . I have been going to see spurs for many years . I have seen the great teams . I used to see the double team .this is one of the worse sides I have ever seen . Bill Nicholson would be ashamed of this team . bring back our spurs . get rid of L EVY .

  6. As dissappointed as I am with what has happened over the last two years I cannot blame Levy too much. He has tried with AVB and Baldini to build foundations for our club, but they have let him down badly. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but buying so many average players has back fired on us big time, we ought to have brought in 3 to 4 with real quality, this is where his management team have let him down.

  7. Anonymous12:39 pm

    Utter bollocks. Bearing in mind the club's owned by ENIC, who'll be the next Chairman if Levy's sacked or resigns ? Will they advertise ? Headhunt ? *BIG* difference in finding a new Manager and a new CEO. The *only* way a new chairman will be installed is if/when the club is sold.
    Don;t write utter rubbish like this unless you;ve got a few meaningful names to put in the frame. Which you don't. Do you ?

  8. Anonymous1:51 pm

    There's a few Spurs fans with short memories or refuse to look at the past over ten years ago. I remember a time in the Premier League where we were a mid-table team averaging 10/11th every season. Along came Martin Jol and things changed for the better. We were a team that was now finishing 5th and challenging for 4th place for so many seasons now. Yes we have a blip occasionally but every season we look to the top four.

    Yes it's disappointing when we fail to get into the top four but I'd rather be here than mid-table. Seems a few fans forget this. Yes we have brought some bad players but this has been happening for so many years and guess what not just Spurs but every team in England. How a player plays for your club no one will know until they start playing. People can say we spent the money in the summer badly but how happy and excited we were when it was being spent. Would fans have rather just sat on it making interest in the bank? Look at the anger and abuse the Woolwich Gypsies get for not spending and when they have, Ozil hasn't exactly set the Premier league on fire.

    I want Champions League football every season and even title challenges but being in 5th is better than 10th, shows how far we have come and shows ambition. The season isn't over yet, still 9 games left (27 points). I think the main problem we have is social media and the pressures of supporting are so much greater as instead of the old days where it was just a bit of banter between you and your friends now you have to read abuse from some 12 year old is some far distance land when things aren't going well just to make things hurt a little bit more. To see your rivals finishing higher and being reminded about it every day, off course will make fans hate how things are going. I choose to ignore it all these days and cocentrate on Tottenham Hotspur and remember where getting in the top half was a dream and just to win a least a couple of away games. Remember you can always go to Man City, Chelsea, ARSEnal where the worst you go through is finishing 3rd or 4th.


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