Spurs Rivals – An American’s Perspective

Article by e-Spurs Writer Brent Weber (USA) 06.06.13

I have only been a soccer fan and a Spurs fan for a short time. However, I quickly learnt that Spurs biggest rival is Arsenal. This was clearly evident during my visit to White Hart Lane for the North London Derby in March. As obvious as this rival is to Spurs fans in England, this rivalry is not quite as obvious to the casual soccer fan or Spurs fans in the states. By no means do I like Arsenal, but in my opinion, Spurs supporters in the states dislike Chelsea just as much as Arsenal. 
There are fewer soccer fans in the United States, especially in the southern states where I reside, compared to the rest of the world. Although MLS has increased the overall popularity of soccer in the states, there are still few people that follow the top soccer leagues in Europe. The few Americans that do follow European soccer typically support large, popular, and recently successful clubs with big name players. The most popular clubs in the states are Manchester United, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, and Chelsea. Arsenal is a familiar team and there are Arsenal fans, but Arsenal is not the typical choice of the casual soccer fan. Big club popularity is easily noticeable upon entering soccer stores across the south. Stores are always stocked full of Man U, Chelsea, Barcelona, Real, and Bayern gear. Arsenal gear is less common and Spurs gear is also in relative short supply. Therefore, Chelsea jerseys are frequently seen in the streets, in pubs, soccer matches, etc. I know this is unfortunate, but it is true. 
Chelsea is a big, popular, and typically successful club. Everybody loves a winner and there are many in the states that jumped on the Chelsea bandwagon following their Champions League title last year. Chelsea is also a rich club and spends big dollars which brings in big names. They seem to throw money at every problem they have rather than developing and coaching. But these big name players make Chelsea very popular with the casual American soccer fan. 
TV scheduling is another factor. Unless a person is willing to pay for additional channels in the states, soccer is usually shown only on ESPN and Fox Soccer. Chelsea seems to be on TV every weekend in the states and they typically have the showcase time slot. It is very rare when Chelsea is not on TV here. 
I am Spurs fan and being a true Spurs fan means that I am obligated to hate Arsenal, which I have no problem doing and actually enjoy. I’ve done my research and understand the bad blood, history, and animosity between Spurs and Arsenal. I travelled to WHL specifically for the North London Derby to experience this rivalry first hand. But due to amount of gear, TV coverage, and media coverage that Chelsea receives in the states, I have an equal dislike for Chelsea. My personal opinion is that Chelsea is an equal rival to Spurs as Arsenal. I consider Arsenal to be rival 1A and Chelsea to be rival 1B.


Brent Weber

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  1. Anonymous11:45 am

    London is blue.

  2. Anonymous12:05 pm

    Essex is Spurs !!!!

  3. Anonymous12:12 pm

    Typical Wally At Tottenham

  4. Anonymous12:23 pm

    we are tottenham, super tottenham,we are tottenham from the lane! YIDZ

  5. Anonymous12:53 pm

    chelsea are most hated by a lot of english fans too. The phrase which someone recently coined is 'I hate arsenal because I love Spurs, I hate Chelsea because I love football'. Sums it up for me tbh. I hate chelsea a lot more but you do get caught up in the NLD more than any other match its true.

  6. Anonymous1:26 pm


    You love a winner do you? That you have a choice over the team you support and that team is the perennial loser, Tottenham, makes you delusional and laughable.

    Arsenal beat Tottenham at every single level. Performance (year in, year out), wealth, stadium size, geographical reach, location and accessibility and in their richness in history.

    Seeing as you have freedom of expression that goes beyond 'hating' another club (something that seems impossible to the average - and they are average - Spurs fan), it would have been nice had you shown some dignified respect, even begrudging admiration, for The Arsenal.

    So welcome to a life of disappointment and bitter jealousy as a Spurs fan.

    COYS indeed. Laughable (you are all just laughable).


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