Billy Nic Would Be Ashamed!!

Article by Chris Mecoy

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"It is better to fail aiming high than to succeed aiming low. And we of Spurs have set our sights very high, so high in fact that even failure will have in it an echo of glory."

Truer words have never been spoken.

We here at e-Spurs pride ourselves on our belief that many opinions differ. We welcome comments from our readers that both agree and disagree with our articles, and I can assure you that the opinions of our very own writers are often completely contradictory to one another.

You may have seen, maybe even signed our very own petition seeking a change at the top at Tottenham, in essence the removal of Daniel Levy from his position as chairman of our beloved club.

Well my opinion differs!!

Bill Nicholson’s famous quote is the motto to which we Spurs fans abide by, to many it is a way of life, not just a speech from a fiery Yorkshireman about a football club.

But remember, Bill Nicholson said this as a man who was once in charge of one of the greatest teams, if not THE greatest team in world football.

I am 31 years old and my earliest memories of Tottenham are of the 1988-89 season. Sadly, this was right at the start of what can only be described as a generation of mid-table mediocrity at Spurs, with the occasional relegation battle thrown in.

For every Lineker, there was a Rory Allen, and an Andy Booth. For every Ginola, there was a Ruel Fox, and a Vinny Samways. For every Klinsmann, there was a Rasiak, and a Zamora. For every King, there was a Tramezzani and an Austin, and for every Gascoigne, there was a Sedgley, and a Dozzell.

Surely my point about a lousy generation holds true?

For the majority of my entire Spurs supporting life, I have watched us fade into insignificance every single year, and because this was the norm for me, I knew no better. I would have liked success, but I never, EVER expected it.

Then along came ENIC, and Daniel Levy, and after a couple or three years of stability, we saw a change in our beliefs. Due in no small part to Daniel Levy, and a certain Mr. Jol (remember him? That was when we dispensed with the services of a very well known and well respected coach, and hired from within. Does that ring any bells? Nobody was complaining then).

Since then, Spurs have been a mainstay of the top 6, with only a couple of exceptions.

Since Levy and ENIC took control, our stock has risen. So much so, they a 6th place finish this year would be considered a catastrophic failure by our fans (me included).

If you were around to see the unmitigated success of Sir Bill’s 60’s side, or the trophy laden 80’s under Burkinshaw, and have been in a coma ever since until this season, then please disregard this next comment. For all of you that have seen nigh on 20 years of absolute crap gracing White Hart Lane’s hallowed turf, and still want Levy to be shown the door, then not only are your delusions of grandeur very misplaced, but your totally bloody insane as well.

Where is this right that Spurs have to be title contenders every year? Where are the Spurs fans that seem to have forgotten that only 25 short years ago, the Lane was very nearly a Sainsbury’s Car Park?

What more do you want? One bad season, which in all honesty, did include an ill-advised sacking of AVB, and now you all want our chairman gone? Where was the Levy-Out brigade when we were top 4, or turning a 2 goal deficit around at the Emirates? Where were you when he got rid of the Gooner in the raincoat and brought in Glenn the God as his replacement?

That’s right, you were up his a**e and saying he was the best thing since sliced bread.

In my early years, right up to my early twenties, I would have given anything for a 6th place finish to be considered a failure, yet now it seems many of you feel we should be champions of the world.

What is happening to us?

*How often have you seen a forced change of Chairman, such as the one you're seeking, run smoothly?

How would you like to see a Risdale in charge? Someone who would like to spend all the money we have on players and then when it runs out, sell all our players to rivals while we get relegated.

How about Assem Allem? We could be called the Tottenham Tigers. It would be great.

Vincent Tan is great, what about him? I’d look forward to seeing the boys in their red kit every season.

The men who turned 2009 F.A. Cup winners Portsmouth into a struggling League Two side come 2014?

Let’s go for Suleyman Kerimov, the guy who pumped billions into Anzhi Makhachkala, and then just took it all back.

The Glazers? When they balls it up, we can start our own club, eh? F.C. Hotspur of Tottenham. What do you reckon?

To end my quite blatant sarcasm, let’s just get rid of Levy and bring Irving Scholar back, so he can finish the job of running our beloved club into the ground.

He must be looking for work.

The simple fact is that until you learn that you are the ones that are doing as much unsettling of the club as anyone else, we won’t ever get to the standard we desire.

Get behind the club.

Get behind the players.

Get behind the manager (and then hopefully the next one)....

.....and for God’s sake, get behind the CHAIRMAN!!

Don’t worry Daniel,

In Levy we tru....most of us still trust!


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  1. Anonymous12:39 pm

    During most of Billy Nick's reign for every Cliff Jones there was a Pearce or a Neighbour. For every Alan Mullery there was a John Pratt. For every Greaves there was a Jenkins!! In fact I remember Jenkins well (he came from Arsenal and was exchanged for a Spurs favourite, Jimmy Robertson). Jenkins was absolutely awful!! I remember him coming on as a sub (only allowed one sub back then) in the 2nd half at WHL and being roundly booed. He was stretchered off injured, after just a few minutes, to a chorus of cheers from Spurs fans even though that left us having to play the rest of the game for around 30 mins with only 10 men!! Unfortunately most fans look back at the past through rose tinted specs.

  2. Great article. I totally agree with you, we should all unite behind our club, players and management. In Levy we trust COYS

  3. Anonymous1:56 pm


  4. Anonymous1:59 pm

    All I'm saying is spurs are on an up, new players new stadium new manager Im well excited about the future, WINNING IS EASY, TAKING THE PISS IS AN ART,and I don't just want to win I want to embarrass other teams,point made...c.o.y.s..

  5. Anonymous2:15 pm

    At last, common sense!
    Levy has transformed our mid table team into regular top 4 challengers, and with far less cash than the likes of Manchester City's Arab owners or Chelsea Roman Abramovich!
    The future is now so bright, we have a state of the art training facility, that should hopefully bring through some amazing home grown talent!
    I for one know we, as Spurs fans owe Daniel Levy, Joe Lewis and ENIC, a massive debt of gratitude. Without them, there would be no Tottenham Hotspur for us to to support!

  6. Well said Chris Mecoy. Integrity is a great part of our beautiful club, to sell our soul for 30 pieces of silver is not an option in todays cutthroat world, stability is the foundation for empires, Levy has brought us the stability and has the plans in place for future greatness. `Cry, God for Levy, Tottenham Hotspur and Glory. In Levy we trust! COYS!

  7. Anonymous2:42 pm

    with as many players that have been added this year this was always going to be a transition year, we maybe should have bought just a couple of players, let them settle then add after the world cup,however when your best players leave i.e bale, modric,berba,carrick,sheringham,they are very difficult to replace,its not instant football just add money and you have a championship side, liverpool kept suarez and look where they are now, we have to try and keep our best players, so if we hire a new manager give him funds he will also have a transition period,there is no patience in todays game from owners to fans, it is expensive to be a footy fan these days and we do expect an element of success for our money, while at the same time its good to have a club that is sound financially, being a farm club to real or utd is not what we as fans deserve, s a spurs fan since 1953 i still have more questions than answers, but one thing will never change thfc heart and soul forever, period.

  8. Anonymous3:16 pm

    I thought I was the only one with a bit of common sense, who was the only one who only remember the days before Martin Jol days and averaging 10th/11th in the Premier League. I suppose you cant blame these modern day fans who only know that there is only one league in England and Champions League football. That all the abuse they get for being Tottenham fans on the Internet and Social Media. The pressure is so great. I mean that comment by Anonymous must be right as he took the time out to use the CAPS LOCK but I hate this laughing stock of football quote. Why? Doesn't matter how well we do, people will always laugh at us, just like we laugh at other teams. We spent the Bale money, any other team would off (except Wenger, a teenage french player on a free would be the only purchase). We show ambition and want top 4 football and don't get it, how s**t are we. Can you imagine how these plastic fans would react if they were a Fulham or Leeds Uited fan.

  9. Anonymous3:18 pm

    If people are embarrassed and think we're 'The Laughing Stock of Football' then go and support Chelsea or ManCity then. I'm embarrssed by some Tottenham fans sometimes. Good article by the author.

  10. Anonymous3:53 pm

    Absolute rubbish. Levy and his Uncle Joe have poisoned our Club (and it is our Club, they just have the luxury of holding the stewardship right now). If you really think that selling the best players each year (Carrick, Berbatov, Modric, Bale) is a good way of winning the league then my friend, you are completely bonkers. How many more managers will we get through if those two stay in control? Tim Sherwood will be fired quite soon after being conned into taking the team after the latest failure with AVB. Levy knew we woudn't get relegated so wanted to go through the rest of the season with no ambition, As usual, he wanted someone on the cheap and Tim was mug enough to take the job. Levy's latest stunt is to move us all to Milton Keynes while the new stadium is being built, Thats what he thinks of the fans. Levy Out Out Out!!!

  11. Anonymous4:41 pm

    Sack TS and get LVG and we shall all get a smile on our face weeks in, weeks out, Marked My Words

  12. Anonymous4:53 pm

    "Levy Out Out Out!!!" Levy is the 2nd biggest shareholder in ENIC, after Lewis, with 30% of the shares. He wont be leaving!! Do you understand that.

    Modern football is all about money. We will have to wait for the new stadium before Spurs become a top team.

    The ignoramus left his Caps Lock on. Only a clown posts in capital letters.

  13. Behind you all the way - our team, our Levy, our Lewis - new stadium - all is bright, all is lilywhite COYS

  14. Good article , yes there are to many that think we spent 110 mil , we didnt , we got 85.6 Bale , and around 22-26 mil for the rest we sold , so we didnt spend anything , in transfer money after a couple of yrs we may make a bit less but , the 7 plyrs we brought in actually didnt cost anything .
    right that bit aside , yes we are a hazard everytime we hit the pitch this season , but if we finish 6th , and then if we go on to have a season like the pool are this one , then who can complain about this one ! the moaners will turn tail next season and come on here saying they knew it would be a transition season !!!
    I like everyone else have had my gripe about Mr Levy , regarding not getting in the players we all knew we needed at the time (we all remember the 3 season of not replacing the striker) , but I , under no circumstance have anything but the highest appreciation for what has been a hard job bringing our club to where we are now , by the board Mr Levy ,Mr Lewis and ENIC .
    Stop your bloody whinging , and try and actually support our very much beloved club , otherwise , sling your hook , as the majority of us are wanting the club to progress and are supporting the CLUB/board/man-coach and players as best we can under the circumstances .................In Levy/Lewis we must trust ................BUT IN SPURS WE LOVE........................COYS..............................

  15. spurgatso7:58 pm

    ENIC own th club end of story.

  16. Well said Chris - I totally agree - and I couldn't see the point of the petition either, to my mind it let down your excellent site, and I know others felt the same. As regards the various comments, I will ignore "CAPSLOCK" for that very reason, but would mainly agree with the first comment - I am twice your age Chris, and first went to WHL in January 1967. Yes, Jimmy Pearce, Jimmy Neighbour, John Pratt, Mark Falco, Barry Daines, Ray Evans were in the team over the years, but they were the youth players of the day coming through - they couldn't all be a Joe Kinnear or a Steve Perryman. Peter Collins was brought from non-league football (like Graham Roberts!) - even a so called "big spending" club (as Spurs were deemed to be at the time) had to bring through some of their own players, and those I mentioned all did well at varying times, and there were many more. In fact, we went to the Alan Gilzean and Mike England Hall of Fame induction in December, and I was surprised to find out that John Pratt was already a member - ahead of Mike and Gillie! Yes, I remember David Jenkins too - an unmitigated disaster - it would be like swapping Andros Townsend with an unknown Woolwich reserve today. I really do not see what Bill Nick was thinking of when he did that, because as the previous comment says, Jimmy Robertson was very popular, and in no way "past it" - perhaps there were other issues in the background, such as when Cliff Jones left, we don't know. Having said that, Bill Nick's biggest mistake in my eyes was letting Souness go in the early 70s - I was at the FA Youth Cup win in 1970 with him and Steve Perryman in the team - now if they had been allowed to develop together they could both have become mainstays for years, rather than just Steve......... Anyway, I digress. We must stick with Daniel Levy, compared to past Chairmen and owners, he is head and shoulders above all of them, and I must say as well, I would not be too keen on Van Gaal coming in, as again, he would not be a long term appointment due to his age - he is just looking for a top up to his pension fund in my opinion. We need a younger man in charge, and if that is Tim, so be it - he has been dropped in the deep end, and if you take out the erroneous sendings off which cost us penalties, players and points, and were later rescinded, and even half of the ridiculous unforced errors which have cost us stupid goals - none of which he could do anything about - we could even be in the top three at the moment #COYS


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