First Team Squad Examination - The Defence

Article by e-Spurs Writer Gary Smith (UK) 03.06.13

With the season finished and the constant talk of transfer rumours abounding, who is leaving, who is coming etc and the media grasping anything floating in the wind, desperate for a story with an element of truth, lets look at what we actually have at the moment. Based on the squad published by the Tottenham Website but omitting Danny Rose as he was on loan and his future is unclear, lets focus on those who regularly turned out for the lilywhites and assess performances, options and ponder any implications for next season.

Now, in pivotal role of goalkeeper we really only have Friedel and Lloris as the the hapless Gomes seems to have been not merely discarded but banished from living memory - he is becoming a little bit of a David Bentley figure; a familiar name around the club but one which elicits an intake of breath when we realise he is still actually on the books. Now, I think this is a little harsh because, despite his monumental blunders, I cannot help but remember his performances against Arsenal and Chelsea when we made it into the CL. I do have a soft spot for Gomes but I am not advocating his return! Friedel, well, he has been reliable and consistent and a model professional and you cannot really fault him. However, elasticity rather than dependability is a far better asset in a goalkeeper and I am afraid that Brad just does not have it anymore. He has been called ponderous and slow to react this season and I am afraid that this has been rather accurate criticism, mostly given constructively and remorsefully but true all the same. We would all have liked Brad to play forever but it was never going to be a reality. So to Lloris - and this is what Spurs have been looking for for some time. A truly fabulous keeper and a very astute buy. Well, Lloris has made mistakes this season but they have been largely overlooked because of the positive influences he has brought to bear to the defence. He is quick, reads the game well and is agile and a great shot stopper. If he improves his command of the area at corners and set pieces then he could be Number One for many years to come. Unlike the unfortunate Gomes, he seems to have a solid temperament and he doesn't dwell on mistakes either during or after a game. One of the buys of the season and not since Erik the Viking can I remember being so comfortable in seeing our goalkeeper's name on the teamsheet.

I shall be brief about the defence as a lot has been written about them as a collective - and indeed, it is as a collective that they have sometimes been found wanting. Tottenham are not renowned for having a solid defence and this is part of the Spurs way - we don't expect our defence to perform as a unit. However, at times and to ensure consistent team performances, they need to get it right. Kyle Naughton came as the lesser heralded of the two Kyles and he has, in many ways, been unlucky. Mostly played out of position at left back his unfamiliarity and unease in this position has often been exploited by the opposition. With Assou - Ekottu injured and also prone to losing concentration, this is clearly an area of concern to Spurs. Vertonghen has played here, at times creditably and with distinction, but his best position is in the centre and not marauding down the left wing! Similarly, at right back, we have a conundrum. Kyle Walker, a sensation last season has, this season, been disappointing. After such a stellar season and with England recognition catapulting him into the public eye, so his performances have been scrutinised with more intensity. What have they revealed - basically, that although talented he is by no means the finished article. England's paucity at right back means he is a genuine contender for that role and it is perhaps a burden of expectation that has come too soon for him. A disappointing season on the whole for him but I think he will come back a better , more mature player.

The centre of defence, with Kaboul set to return looks assured and talented - not something we generally associate with Spurs. Dawson has been his indomitable self and, despite his flaws (turned too easily, dives in occasionally), his presence galvanises the team. Vertonghen has just been sheer class and he reminds me of other cultured defenders from the past such as Alan Hansen and Jaap Staam. With Caulker looking as if he is just going to get better its looking good for Spurs. As for Gallas, we can't forget his contribution overall but, for his sake and out of respect for a committed performer, the less said about this season the better!

Surprisingly enough, given that it is Spurs, on considered examination, the defence is not in need of a total overhaul. The centre of defence looks pretty much established and it is more mentality than ability that needs addressing at right and left back. If Walker and Essou - Ekotto could erase the indiscipline and moments of madness that creep into their game, there is no reason why they could not become part of a solid and authoritative defence. With Lloris operating as a Keeper/Sweeper defence could quickly be turned into attack. Now we would need a midfield good enough to regenerate the ball quickly, retain possession, and carve out quick and incisive chances

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  1. Anonymous11:49 pm

    Could not agree more !.

    Damiao and/or Villa (if the deals are ever going to happen!) Pjanic or Bernard and a left-back if possible !.


  2. Anonymous12:46 am

    I actually think Kyle (Walker) has been phenomenal towards the end of the season, sincerely looks like he's matured a lot from this season's experiences.

    Benny looks off-form since coming back from the injury and by his attitude, I'm worried he's not going to really pick up. I wouldn't mind giving Rose a try, but will be expecting lots of blunders as Kyle did in his first full season with Spurs.

    No worries in the Centre-halves as long as Kaboul returns and be a beast as he had been the season before, and that Vertonghen does not become complacent after establishing himself so brilliantly in his first season. Gotta love Dawson for his fighting spirit and dedication to the team. Also really looking forward to see how Caulker develops next season!

  3. Anonymous8:24 am

    I think we need another RB to push Walker & either get the best out of him or replace him. Naughton doesn't seem to be the one. Our central defence needs no additions, but trying to opperate with only 1 true LB left us vulnerable this season. So we need another LB or maybe 2 - depends on who AVB wants.
    I really hope DL backs AVB this summer & allows him to build a team around Bale. COYS!


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